Fynbos of South Africa - Hout Bay

Fynbos of South Africa – Hout Bay

Western Cape is more botanically diverse than the richest tropical rainforest in South America, including the Amazon. 


– WWF/World Wide Fund For Nature

South Africa’s Cape floral kingdom is one of the richest areas in the world for plant biodiversity.

 Fynbos of South Africa

The name originates from the Dutch word Fijnboch which means ‘fine bush’.

Look Around

While walking or hiking our trails you will see the sheer diversity of fynbos species found nowhere else in the world. 

A large number of fynbos of South Africa, are very rare and in danger of becoming extinct. Fynbos are a mesmerizing mosaic of plants bursting with flowers every month of the year.

Parts of Fynbos are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site & protected in a number of reserves.